

学校定期开展安全工作大排查,落实人防、物防、技防“三防”措施。门卫处购进必要保安器械,安装监控设备和门闸系统,及时对学校门禁、红外报警系统、消防联动系统、一键式报警系统等进行安全检查及完善, 发现问题,及时整改,为教育教学工作营造一个安全稳定的校园环境。针对学生开展定期的安全教育,增强学生的安全意识和自我防护能力;通过齐抓共管营造全校教职员工关心和支持学校安全工作的局面,从而切实保障师生安全和财产不受损失,维护学校正常的教育教学秩序。




绿色上网 | Green Internet








  1. 要善于网上学习,不浏览不良信息。 

  2. 诚实友好交流,不辱骂欺诈他人。 

  3. 要增强自护意识,不随意约会网友。 

  4. 要维护网络安全,不破坏网络秩序。 

  5. 要有益身心健康,不沉溺虚拟时空。 

Green Internet, civilized Internet to create a clear campus network culture initiative  

In the rapid development of the Internet today, in Unite as one realize the Chinese dream, in lifting the city’s power to promote the revitalization of development, let us jointly initiative: 

Civilized Internet, safe internet, green Internet, to create a clear network space.  

Civilized Internet, strive to be a network of civilized volunteers.Cultivate the network literacy of civilization, consciously practice the socialist concept of honor and disgrace, and vigorously create a civilized and healthy, positive network culture atmosphere, to compete for online positive energy communicators.  

Secure the Internet, and strive to be civilized and law-abiding good netizens.Consciously maintain network security, learn the necessary protection skills, develop the requisite safety awareness, safety nets, civilized Internet, to maintain the network security practitioners.  

Green Internet, strive to do good for the young.Learn useful information on the Internet, and actively disseminate Chinese excellent traditional culture, shape a better mind, promote social righteousness, to do the building of clear and bright network space builders. 

Let us abide by the initiative, from now on, starting from the self, consciously abide by the “Youth civilized Internet Convention”, so that “five to five do not”: 

  1. To be good at online learning, do not browse bad information. 

  2. To be honest and friendly and do not abuse and cheat others. 

  3. To enhance self-care awareness, not casual dating netizens. 

  4. To maintain network security, do not disrupt network order. 

  5. To be healthy and healthy, do not indulge in virtual time. 


School IT Team 


fire drill is a method of practicing how a building would be evacuated in the event of a fire or other emergency. Usually, the building’s existing fire alarm system is activated and the building is evacuated as if the emergency had occurred.


• Upon detecting a fire, remain COOL, CALM, and press a fire alarm button.

• Immediately evacuate any students from the threat

• Quickly and clearly explain the situation to a School Support staff member

• That School Support staff member shall call the Property Management Company and/or 119 for any necessary assistance.

• Upon hearing the alarm, all students and adults shall immediately stop whatever activities they are involved in, and evacuate the building in a quiet and orderly manner.

• Close but do not lock classroom/office doors. It is not necessary to turn off lights or shut down computer systems (except for Finance & HR).

• Teachers are responsible for leading the evacuation of the class they are teaching, handing over the class to the homeroom teacher at the evacuation assembly point. ‘Sweepers’ are assigned to check that everyone has left their respective floor level, including checking the bathrooms, and report to the Principal.

• Students, teachers, staff and visitors shall assemble and line up in an orderly manner at the designated assembly point at the end of the sports field.

• Visitors shall be directed to the assembly point where the Property Management Officer / Receptionist shall check them against the visitor log.

• Homeroom teachers and department leaders will show their RED/GREEN card. Show GREEN if students / staff are present. Show RED if anybody is missing.

• The Head of Departments (CWB) + Coordinators (CWA) shall check with HR Teachers, and report any missing students to the Principals (with details) immediately.

• The Principal (Back up = CWB Principal) shall give the “all clear” signal to re-enter the school when appropriate.

• Under no circumstances shall anyone other than security guards and/or fire fighters re- enter the building until after the “all clear” signal.

• 在发现火源时,要冷静、镇定,按下火灾报警按钮

• 马上将学生撤离火灾威胁地点

• 尽快把情况清楚地报告给学校行政人员

• 行政员工应该马上通知物业公司和/或拨打119以获得必要的协助

• 一旦听到火灾警报响了,所有的学生和成人都要立刻停止所参与的活动,安静有序地离开校舍

• 把办公室/教室的门关上(但不需上锁),除了人事部和财务部外,不需要关灯或关掉电脑

• 正在上课的老师要负责把学生带到集合点交给班主任。“检查员”会被指派到各个楼层确保每个人都已经离开,包括厕所,然后向校长汇报

• 学生、老师、员工和到访的客人,都必须到学校操场的指定地点集中,排好队

• 所有访客都必须被引导到物业管理处/前台以确保没有遗漏

• 班主任和各部门领导将展示他们手中的红/绿牌。若所有学生/人员都到齐,展示绿牌,若有人未报到,则展示红牌

• 双语部负责人和国际部负责人需马上向班主任了解哪些学生还未报到

• 在校长发布“解除警报”的信号后,所有成员将获准回到课室

• 注意:除了保安和/或救火员外,其他人不得在校长发布“解除警报”信号之前进入校舍。


Fire = 119

 = 110

 = 120


火警 119

公安局 110

救伤车  120


Even though Changsha is not an earth quake zone, the school has decided to include an Earth Quake Procedure as part of life skills for our school community, who travels a lot, and might visit a country that is within an earth quake zone.


CWA Emergency (Earthquake) Procedures  |   我校的紧急逃生程序(地震)

Upon feeling an earthquake while inside, staff and students should immediately:

• Drop to the ground, away from windows & shelves !

• Cover your head and neck with your arms !

• Hold on until the shaking stops !

当员工和学生在室内感觉到地震时, 那就要马上:

• 伏在地上,远离窗口和橱柜!

• 用手臂护住头部和颈部!

• 静止不动直到颤动停止!

If possible:

• Crawl into the corner of a room or under a sturdy table or desk if in danger from falling objects !

• Open an exit door !

• Turn off lights, gas and IT equipment !


• 如果要避免东西从上方掉下来,爬行到房间的角落或到一个稳固的桌子或或台子下面

• 打开可以离开大楼的出口!

• 把灯、燃气和IT等设备关掉!

Upon feeling an earthquake while outside, staff and students should immediately:

• Drop to the ground, away from buildings, walls, streetlights, utility wires, etc. !

• Cover your head and neck with your arms !

• Hold on until the shaking stops !

当员工和学生在室外感觉到地震时, 那就要马上:

• 伏在地上,远离楼层、墙壁、街灯、管线等等!

• 用手臂护住头部和颈部!

• 静止不动直到颤动停止!

After the earthquake:

• Evaluate the need to evacuate depending on uncontrolled fires, gas leaks, structural damage to the building where you are !

• While evacuating, watch out for fallen power lines and stay away from any structural damage !

• Evacuate to an open space, away from damaged areas !

• Help others if you can !

• If you are trapped, don’t move about – call, whistle or tap on a wall or pipe for help !

• Be prepared for aftershocks !


• 评估是否有必要进行疏散,如:所在地是否有无法控制的火灾、燃气泄漏、楼层架构损坏等现象

• 在疏散时,避开下坠的电线和远离结构已损的物体!

• 疏散到一个空旷的地方,远离已经受损的区域!

• 如果有能力,协助其他人!

• 如果你被困了,千万不要乱动 – 呼叫、吹口哨或者敲击墙面或水管等求救!

• 提防余震的发生!

Lock Down

What Is the Purpose of a School Lockdown Drill?

The purpose of a school lockdown drill is to protect the children and adults in the building from a potential emergency such as the presence of a school shooter.

As with fire drills and other safety programs, the hope is to acclimate students and teachers to a procedure that they will be able to follow quickly, effectively, and safely.

How Are Lockdown Drills Designed and Implemented?

Lockdown drills are different from evacuation drills. Evacuation drills are designed to prepare students, teachers, administrators, and other people in the school to leave the building quickly and in a pre-planned and organized fashion in the event of danger such as a bomb threat, when conditions outside the building are safer than the conditions inside the building. In a lockdown drill, students are to clear the halls and report to the nearest available classroom where they are to hide and stay as silent as possible.

These drills are usually designed and implemented with input and assistance from local law enforcement officials. Ideally, these drills should be conducted several times a year at different times of the day and without pre-announcement (during lunchtime or recess, during classes, or during drop-off or dismissal, for example), to give students and staff the opportunity to practice what to do in different scenarios.

What Kinds of Procedures Are Followed During a Lockdown Drill?

 Following is the procedures for lockdown drills:

  • Doors to classrooms are closed and locked.

  • Students are moved to the safest part of the room, away from windows and doors, to the interior walls.

  • Everyone drops to the floor or out of the line of vision from the door.

  • Window shades are pulled down.

  • Any windows in doors are covered (to prevent an intruder from seeing into the room).

  • Classroom lights are turned off.
